What is atypical autism? What are the symptoms of atypical autism? Speech, nutrition, drug-free education treatment in autism, tests, heavy metals

Symptoms such as deterioration in mutual social communication skills, repetitive behaviors, developmental delay in fine and gross motor and cognitive skills, regression in language development, and sensory sensitivity are observed, which are very common in autism spectrum disorders.

If it is not as intense as the characteristic features of autism or if it is very mild, it is called atypical autism with its old definition; mild autism with its new definition; pseudo-autism, faint autism, temporary autism or semi-autistic with its unofficial definition among the public.



Atypical autism, which entered our lives with the DSM-4 booklet in 1994, was one of the five autism spectrum disorders (ASD, autism, autism spectrum disorder) or pervasive developmental disorder diagnoses.

Atypical autism is a subtype of autism that shows fewer symptoms than Asperger syndrome, known as high-functioning autism, and the moderate or severe spectrum of autism. Among the public, definitions such as subtle autism, pseudo-autism, temporary autism, and semi-autistic are used.

The atypical definition was removed with the DSM 5 booklet published by the American Psychiatric Association in 2013 and the diagnosis of mild autism can be used instead.

It is a neurodevelopmental difference, and if it can be detected by families or doctors in early childhood or preschool age, it can be treated without medication under the guidance of expert educators along with intensive therapy training .

In other words, the child’s negative behavior can be controlled, thus preventing the child from isolating himself from social life in the coming years.


Autism has been examined in 3 categories since 2013, children are identified according to this scale.

Mild autism (grade 1 autism)

The atypical definition is included in this category, the symptoms are very mild.

Moderate autism (grade 2 autism)

Daily support must be continued until behavioral control is achieved.

Severe autism (3rd degree autism)

Daily support is essential, but even then full behavioral control may not be achieved.


Atypical autism symptoms;

  • Delays in speech and language
  • In verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Difficulties with the concept of time
  • Increased or decreased responses to sensory sensitivities (taste, smell, sight, touch, etc.)
  • Repetitive behaviors
  • Difficulties understanding abstract concepts
  • Anxiety disorders

Problems such as these can be shown as atypical autism symptoms.


Atypical Mild Autism Symptoms Types

Atypical autism is a neurodevelopmental difference whose causes are often attributed to genetics, environmental and hormonal factors. The causes have not yet been fully proven, but studies are ongoing.

The suspected issues are listed below.

  • Mutations that occur during gene splicing
  • Some protein synthesis deficiencies involving gene deletion or excess
  • Advancing parental age
  • Premature birth, problems during birth (These problems are associated not only with autism but also with some muscle and nerve problems)
  • Differences between cesarean section and normal birth (There are few studies on this subject and it is a relatively controversial issue, but it should be known that if the mother gives birth naturally, the child will receive beneficial bacteria that support the intestinal flora, while in cesarean section, there is no such possibility, experts emphasize. In addition, there are some studies that draw attention to the relationship between intestinal flora and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism. (1)
  • Parental prenatal and postnatal substance use
  • Heavy metal transmission from parent to child or subsequent heavy metal accumulation in the child
  • In short, autism is affected by genetic , cellular, hormonal and environmental factors.


The following can be said about the age of speech in autism: Therapies applied in early childhood, that is, preschool age, can yield very productive results with the cooperation of families.

Communication is divided into two as verbal and nonverbal communication. Imitation skills are of great importance for communication skills to begin. At this point, nonverbal communication (mimics and behaviors) is important for the autistic child to feel understood during the period until he learns to speak.

At this stage, atypical symptoms can be minimized or eliminated by receiving the necessary therapies from expert special educators for the family and the child.

The more intensive education the child receives in the pre-school period, the less negative effects will be observed in his communication with his peers, otherwise

  • Peer bullying (Not being able to express oneself to peers)
  • School avoidance behavior (not wanting to go to school)
  • Decrease in toilet habits due to the problems experienced ( wetting )
  • Intense problem behaviors

The likelihood of encountering such difficulties will increase.

The primary education for children with autism is generally thought to be “speech language therapies”.

However; The prerequisite skills for learning

  • Wait
  • Eye contact
  • Reaction to your name
  • Imitation
  • Joint attention

In order for special education specialists to fulfill their skills, the aforementioned skills must be developed first.

Speech therapy should be continued with the help of language therapists after these behaviors that will negatively affect academic work are alleviated. Also, echolalia, which is described as “meaningful meaningless vocal sounds; repetition of letters, words and sentences (Although echolalia is beneficial for the child to recognize sounds from birth until he learns to speak, it should be stopped with the right therapies after he starts to speak)


The effects of nutrition on physical and mental health in atypical autism may be related to issues such as intestinal flora and heavy metal accumulation. Nutrition is not only about solid food intake, but it has become important today to emphasize the harmful components in the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Recent studies on issues such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, which are thought to be affected by genetic and environmental factors, emphasize the problems brought about by industrialization and urbanization.

Problems such as air, water and soil pollution, pesticides used on fruits and vegetables, and the effects of heat treatments on the aluminum foils we wrap our food in and put it in the oven, reveal how we may actually be poisoning ourselves. (You can access the relevant source from the English source under the aluminum heading.)

A recent study shows that the intestinal flora (Intestinal Gut Microbiome) and its permeability are related to diseases such as “Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, learning disabilities , diabetes, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, celiac disease” etc. ( 2 ) The point emphasized in this study conducted at Harvard University is that the main source of the problem causing intestinal permeability is bacterial overgrowth and the zonulin substance released as a result of gluten nutrition.

According to this study, it is stated that gluten-containing diet negatively affects autism spectrum disorder due to the zonulin substance it produces. The same study also emphasizes that the “intestinal autoimmune barrier” is supported by vitamin D. The importance of eating cultured and fermented (homemade yogurt, tarhana, etc.) products is very clear.

Autism and heavy metal relationship


It can come from many materials or foods. The best example is when children with newly developed teeth “scratch their teeth with non-standard toys” and ingest metal, paint or other means.

In addition, heavy metals such as gasoline, paint, and old, rotten water networks, in other words, rotten metal pipes, carry water into our homes and reach our taps.


Amalgam is used as a dental filling and if even a drop of it is used incorrectly during the filling and is taken into the body with saliva, it causes mercury accumulation. In addition, bottom fish, detergents, softeners, etc.


Heated aluminum containers or foils transfer significant amounts of aluminum to foods and accumulate in the body through these foods. ( Aluminum in brain tissue in autism ) It is also found in baby foods and black tea containing soy ( Source ).


It is known to be used as an agricultural pesticide, and is taken into the body through food when vegetables and fruits are not washed well.

Substandard toys, printed T-shirts, substandard clothing received through the skin, etc.

Diet treatments can be beneficial, autistic children may have problems such as intestinal problems and food allergies due to problems in the digestive system, so getting support from doctors would be the right approach.


Atypical autism is a neurodevelopmental difference that can progress at any age because it is milder than other types of autism. However, if it can be detected at preschool ages, special education and rehabilitation centers can play an active role in the treatment of atypical autism.

In autism, which is stated to be seen at a rate of “1 in every 44 children” in recent studies; Behavioral therapies applied intensively by special education specialists, followed by education with appropriate therapies are important for sensory needs and speech skills, which are symptoms of autism.

Behavioral control without medication can be achieved with behavioral therapies conducted in preschool ages, and it is also aimed to complete the social, academic and daily life skills of children as a result of various activities such as “sensory integration, swimming, sports, occupational therapy, language speech therapy” that support these studies.

At the same time, it is aimed to prepare children for social interaction with their peers at the “kindergarten and primary school” level.

Information to help manage atypical symptoms

  • Gross motor skill exercises such as swimming , physiotherapy , occupational therapy , sensory integration , balance, exercise, sports, etc. , performed with the physiotherapist, occupational therapist and swimming instructors.
  • Nutrition and diet practices, music and art studies, child psychology related educational studies
  • Treatment studies in which mothers and families of atypical autistic children are part of the solution by continuing the education that the autistic child receives at school at home within the “child-school-family” triangle
  • Dietary treatments; Although they vary from person to person depending on the child’s intestinal flora and allergy status, gluten-free, casein-free diets are generally used (however, their accuracy has not been proven).
  • Art Therapies
  • Developmental therapies (Emotional, intellectual, social skills)

At this point, developmental therapies are the most comprehensive therapies for individuals with autism. These therapies are especially

  • Self-care skills (brushing teeth, toilet training in autism , tying shoes)
  • Eating skills
  • Skills that support socialization


Pivotal response therapy (It is game-based and uses natural reinforcements. For example, the “reward” for a child who makes a meaningful attempt to ask for a toy is being able to play with the toy.) can be shown in addition to developmental therapies.

Since each autistic child has unique characteristics, treatment methods must also be specific to him/her.


Regarding medication use in atypical autism, “serotonin inhibitors for anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder” are given. In this respect, medication use in preschool ages is not recommended because it suppresses behaviors and slows down educational treatment.

However, the drugs and their active ingredients that are approved by the American Drug Administration (FDA) and under the supervision of doctors are as follows.

Prozac (fluoxetine)

It is approved by the FDA (American Drug Administration) for use in children over 7 years of age.

Lexapro (essitalopram)

FDA approved for children ages 12 and older.

Luvox (fluvoxamin)

It is FDA approved for children over 8 years old.

Zoloft (sertraline)

It is FDA approved for children over 6 years old.


It is a drug frequently used in Turkey.


It is another drug frequently used in our country.

Anafranil (klomipramin)

It is FDA approved for children over the age of 10.
Melatonin is a treatment method that has not yet been proven and its purpose is to treat sleep problems in autism .

Chelation methods

These are treatment methods related to removing heavy metals from the body, and the FDA warns that this method is not yet supported.


Although there is no direct test type for autism in general, ” developmental tests ” are applied.

Developmental Tests are as follows;

  • Denver
  • WİSC-4
  • AGTE (Ankara Development Screening Inventory)
  • Frostic Visual Perception
  • PeaBody Picture Word Matching
  • D2 Attention Test
  • Benton Visual Memory Test
  • Bender Gestalt Visual Motor Perception Test
  • FrankFurterler Attention Test


Diagnosing autism in babies up to the age of 2 is important for the future of the family and the child, their academic success and their adaptation to social life. The items listed below are prepared to provide the necessary information about the symptoms of autism in babies and to help you understand whether you need professional support.

Signs of autism in babies month by month

Symptoms up to 6 months

Making limited or no eye contact.

Symptoms up to 9 months

Not responding at all to voices or smiles.

Symptoms up to 12 months

Little or no babbling, little or no response to name.

Symptoms up to 16 months

Using very few words or no words at all.

Symptoms up to 24 months

Not using meaningful words or using very few words, not using double phrases.


Autism spectrum disorder is a difficult journey, and our advice to mothers whose children have atypical autism is to seek professional support on this journey and protect their own health in the meantime.

For this, they should first of all get support from doctors, and then from special education specialists who are experts in their fields and who have developed themselves academically in this field.

Because individual and peer-interactive group programs contribute to the development of children of all ages.

For contact and support requests …

With love from Derin Çocuk..

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